Category: Office Gadgets

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Office Gadgets

Sync your Notes and Audio recording with AudioNote for Mac

Audionote allows you to synchronize all of your audio and notes that you have taken in your study classes, lectures, meetings or even in any seminars. This will also help you a lot to review or study any of the notes that you have taken previously.

Office Gadgets

FormMate – PDF editing tool

The FormMate allows you to download or open any forms in mainly available in PDF formats and then fill up the necessary fields accordingly (offline), and further use it for, faxing, printing, emailing the whole and most importantly saving it on your local disk.

Office Gadgets

MailTab for Gmail – Ultimate Gmail App for Mac

MailTab for Gmail is a free Gmail App for Mac so downloading is done without charge and then benefits are obtained from both audio and visual mail notifications, accession of your inbox very quickly and also backed by the ability of responding to mails

Office Gadgets

TurnSocial – A free social toolbar for website

TurnSocial is a toolbar that finds a vast range of application in local businesses. Popular mediums can be added through it using very quickly in a time span of only few minutes the various contents of TurnSocial includes Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and many more.

Office Gadgets

MuseScore – A WYSIWYG musical notation and composition software

MuseScore is a very cost-effective cross-platform program that is absolutely free that provides free musical notation. Thus, it is basically a cross platform WYSIWYG musical notation software that can be used as the perfect replacement for Sibelius and finale

Office Gadgets

Lastpass – online password manager and form filler

Lastpass is the pioneer in the world of password manager that helps you to browse easily and at the same time gives you the peace of mind when it comes to security. Installing the Lastpass on your Window’s PC is relatively easy. Firstly you need to get the latest version of the lastpass for the Windows.

Office Gadgets

Mactracker – Database of all Mac models

Mactracker is an software that give you detailed information about entire database of every Apple Macintosh products. Mactracker is what you call a one stop destination for all the Mac users to sort out any information related to processor speed, memory, optical drives, graphic cards etc..

Office Gadgets

iSale – eBay auction manager for Mac

iSale is a online selling tool connected to eBay where you can get the sales and the related auction lists of eBay through this application. You can buy and use the multiple features of eBay through this application without having to continuously login to eBay.

Office Gadgets

Gmail Notifier for Google Apps

Sohail’s Gmail Notifier for Google Apps is an easy alternative for Gmail notifier. Released by Google, it works well with Gmail and other domains that are hosted by Google apps. Sohail’s Gmail Notifier for Google Apps,

Office Gadgets

Clips – clipboard management for Mac OS X

Clips is an application that helps in time managing and remembers whatever is copied and pasted. It stays invisible in the background of the system and adds everything that is copied and pasted.

Office Gadgets

Unzip compressed files in your Mac with UnZipper

UnZipper powered by Olimsoft is an unique utility application software which helps in unzipping the compressed files in no time at all. So the users can send or receive multiple .Zip files or directories full of zipped files seamlessly and easily.


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