Task management tools are of a great demand in the industry. In these days there are many companies that are promoting these tools. One of the most premier Task management tool in the market is Priority Matrix.
Priority Matrix is a most efficient task management tool for Quadrants based projects that is extremely powerful and convenient; and at the same time uses different effectual time management services.
You can easily and instantly administer all your to do stuff, ideas, project, lists, plans and actions. To receive a detailed description of Priority Matrix you can check out the video details of the application from its website.
Priority Matrix is highly beneficial as it uses the most effective time management techniques. The specialty of Priority Matrix is that it sub divides the agenda in four diverse quadrants.
The 4 different quadrants are Important, Urgent, non-important and Not Urgent. Priority Matrix utilizes the Eisenhower technique of subdividing the agendas into quadrants.
By subdividing into quadrants, you will be able to focus more on the concerned areas. This effective way of task organization lets the user bring out effective results.
The main aim of the Priority Matrix is efficient administration of projects. It is incorporated with various tools that enable it to perform effectively. In Priority Matrix you are free to create your own list, priorities and schedule.
More than 44 items are always displayed by this app on the screen visible to you and that can be easily seen in one single screen and you are not required to scroll to see the items.
Various projects can be effectively handled by you like travel, home, personal health, work, ideas and several things in addition to it. Tasks can be easily added as well as deleted from the list made by you.
Organized tasks are provided to you that help in each and every aspect. There is only one drawback – priority matrix runs only on the higher versions of iPhone i.e. in either 3g or 4g.
Features of Priority Matrix – Task Management Tool For Mac
- Priority based on quadrants as well as the organization of the lists.
- The method of drag-and-drop is really very fast and time-saving as well
- Items can be held-and-dragged for re-prioritizing them.
- The interface of drag and drop is really very intuitive.
- The design as well as the optimization has been done for the iPhone.
- Quadrants can be customized with suitable labels and colors.
- You can put forward the prioritizing schema of your own choice.
- The quadrant can be resize that helps you to keep your focus on the groups of items.
- Custom reminder icons and symbols.
- Your list can be shared through the in-app email.
- The progress made by each and every item can be tracked.
- Multiple lists can be managed.
Priority Matrix is a very useful Quadrants Task management tool that provides a great deal of flexibility. The rich array of features is sure to provide many benefits to its users. Thus, most businesses are using this tool for its extended and rich set of features.
Download : Priority Matrix