OneLogin seeks to provide with a single sign-on as well as identity management for those companies which operate in the cloud. OneLogin, hosted in the cloud itself, seeks to make the companies not just get up but run as well in a matter of a few minutes. It is extremely and simple SaaS password management tool for most of the web applications.
OneLogin seeks to configure a browser and gives the absolute experience of a single sign in. It also attempts to bypass the traditional user name and password system, which has often led to creating some gaps in the security system.
Features of OneLogin
- It supports almost all the major browsers being used today in the web world, like IE, Safari, Firefox and even Google Chrome.
- It operates well in a host of Operating Systems like the Windows, Linux and even Mac.
- Pre-integrated with +1,000 apps
- Easy to sign up for OneLogin with your existing Google Apps account.
- There is a system of centralized password for all your network of applications. This makes it simpler in remembering a single password than a handful of passwords.
- But if you are still worried about an authentic protection of your application, you can go for a two factor authentication with VeriSign VIP Access and Yubico.
- For a few organizations, OneLogin also has the directory integration facility.
- The new applications been introduced by OneLogin are simple, easy and very efficient.
- It is absolutely simple to set up and easy to work with.
- Use Secure Notes to store confidential information other than logins for web applications.
- It seeks to help the new users to adopt and make efficient use of multiple SaaS applications.
- Use OneLogin’s intuitive Restful API to manage users or sign users in and launch applications from your own intranet.
Pros and Cons of OneLogin
Pros :
- One does not have to maintain a host of dedicated servers and people to keep the required system working.
- It supports almost all the major browsers as well as Operating Systems.
- It is easy and efficient.
- Role-based access control
- Supports the system of centralized password for all the network applications.
- Also offers the system of two factor authentications for password protecting with yubikey.
- Policies define minimum password strength, password expiration and how often passwords can be reused and you can even limit access to certain IP addresses.
- The new applications it has introduced over time are simple to use, easy and also very efficient.
- It seeks to help the new users to adopt and make efficient use of multiple SaaS applications.
- Users can either be managed manually in OneLogin or synchronized with your directory of choice. OneLogin handles authentication, authorization, one-time passwords etc and maintains a complete audit trail for all user activity.
- OneLogin also supports SAML 2.0, which signs you into apps like Salesforce, Zoho and Google Apps securely without a password and effectively protects you against phishing.
- Access to apps is granted via roles and OneLogin allows you to assign multiple roles per user, which makes large organizations easier to manage.
- It offers secure directory integration.
- All user activity such as sign-ins, password resets, failed login attempts are logged in an audit trial, which means you always have complete record of your cloud activity.
Cons :
- De-provisioning of the account doesn’t in any way deletes or locks the applications you have installed and use. It merely prevents you from accessing OneLogin.
OneLogin is an effective process which seeks to offer single sign-on along with a cloud-based service. This service further seeks to allow the small and mid-sized companies to have as well as to enjoy a same level of security which most of large enterprises do.
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