50 useful online presentations for web and Mobile Apps developers

If you are new web designer or Mobile application developer and looking for free resources or presentation to learn basic about Ajax, PHP, CSS and JavaScript take a look at this collection with 50 interesting and useful online presentations about these topics. The list includes a short introduction about these programming languages, how to use them, Basic fundamentals and an overview about the most popular JavaScript libraries.

Online Presentation for CSS

  1. Efficient, maintainable CSS

    Efficient, maintainable CSS from Russ Weakley


  2. What is Object Oriented CSS?

    What is Object Oriented CSS? from Nicole Sullivan


  3. 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS

    5 Mistakes of Massive CSS from Nicole Sullivan


  4. Beautiful Maintainable CSS

    Beautiful Maintainable CSS from Lachlan Hardy


  5. CSS3 Media Queries

    CSS3 Media Queries from Russ Weakley


  6. Simplify your CSS with Stylus and Nib


  7. Mastering CSS3 gradients


  8. Using a CSS Framework

    Using a CSS Framework from Gareth Saunders


  9. Progressive Enhancement using CSS3

    Progressive Enhancement using CSS3 from Marc Tobias Kunisch


  10. Object Oriented CSS

    Object Oriented CSS from Nicole Sullivan


  11. Using a CSS Framework

    Using a CSS Framework from Gareth Saunders

Online Presentations for HTML5

  1. HTML5 Canvas – The Future of Graphics on the Web


  2. HTML5 Essentials

    HTML5 Essentials from Marc Grabanski


  3. Up to Speed on HTML 5 and CSS 3

    Up to Speed on HTML 5 and CSS 3 from M. Jackson Wilkinson


  4. Echo HTML5

    Echo HTML5 from Nathan Smith


  5. HTML5 JavaScript APIs

    HTML5 JavaScript APIs from Remy Sharp


  6. HTML5 JS APIs

    HTML5 JS APIs from Remy Sharp


  7. Designing Mobile Apps with HTML5 & CSS3

Online Presentations for Ajax

  1. Ajax 101 | Workshop

    Ajax 101 Workshop from Bill Scott


  2. Designing For Ajax

    Designing For Ajax from Bill Scott


  3. High Performance Ajax Applications


  4. Mobile Ajax and the Future of the Web


  5. REST and AJAX Reconciled

    REST and AJAX Reconciled from Lars Trieloff


  6. Working With Ajax Frameworks

    Working With Ajax Frameworks from Jonathan Snook


  7. Ajax for PHP Developers

    Ajax for PHP Developers from Michael Girouard


  8. Ajax Security

    Ajax Security from Joe Walker


  9. Accessible Ajax on Rails

    Accessible Ajax on Rails from supervillain


  10. Prototype & jQuery

    Prototype & jQuery from Remy Sharp

Online Presentations for JavaScript

  1. Extreme JavaScript Performance


  2. Writing Efficient JavaScript

    Writing Efficient JavaScript from Nicholas Zakas


  3. Building a JavaScript Library


  4. JavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture


  5. Speed Up Your JavaScript

    Speed Up Your JavaScript from Nicholas Zakas

Online Presentations for Mobile Apps Development

  1. iPhone Web Apps : HTML5, CSS3 & dev.. tips for iPhone App development


  2. iOS design: a case study

    iOS design: a case study from Johan Ronsse


  3. Native vs. Web vs. Hybrid : Mobile Development Choices

Online Presentations for User interface (UI) design

  1. Responsive Design

    Responsive Design from Sara Cannon


  2. Responsive web design

    Responsive web design from Thomas Byttebier


  3. Designing better user interfaces


  4. Sketching Interfaces Workshop


  5. Web Development for UX Designers


  6. RIA Screen Layouts

    RIA Screen Layouts from Theresa Neil


  7. Interface Design Basics


  8. Android UI Design Tips

    Android UI Design Tips from Android Developers


  9. Android 4.0 UI Design Tips


  10. Mobile UI Design


  11. Designing better user interfaces


  12. Designing iPhone & iPad Apps
    Designing iPhone & iPad Apps from Martin Ringlein


  13. Wireframe Parts Iphone Interface Design


  14. iPad and iPhone Design Tips


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