NovaBench – component benchmark software for Windows and Mac OS X

NovaBench is a free benchmark software that helps in testing, comparing and sharing the components and verified scores of computer. Compatible with popular platforms like MAC OS X and Windows, this application is the best tool to compare the graphics and hardware of your PC.

NovaBench benchmark software

Being one of the best benchmark systems, NovaBench helps to keep your computer running. Using this system, you can test and benchmark your system’s performance, hard disks, CPU, 3D graphics and RAM. A testing takes minute or two, and provides the users a detailed report of overall system performance. The testing includes MD5 hashing speed, Disk write speed, 3D graphics test, Floating Point test, integer test and RAM speed test.

The users can compare the score of the computer and component results of their system with other computers. The application helps the users to stay informed about the upgrade decisions and helps in detecting the blockages in performance.

Users can also upload and share the verified scores of component’s performance on their social networking account or profiles. They (users) can create a profile with the application’s results and link it with social networks.The application is compatible with Mac OS X and Windows and monitors the performance of the overall system. The application also fixes minor bugs to keep the system healthy and running.

Features of NovaBench

  1. Easy to use application- NovaBench is easy to download, install and run. It helps the user to use this application without any trouble or painstaking. A simple interface is the USP of this application.
  2. Tests the speed of computer- NovaBench helps in testing the major components of the user’s computer and produces a detailed report of the system’s score.
  3. Fast testing- The application takes a minute or two to test the system’s performance and produce a detailed report.
  4. Various types of test done- The application does various types of tests to get an in-depth report of system performance. The Integer test checks the integer arithmetic speed of the system. The Floating Point test checks the floating point arithmetic speed. The MD5 hashing speed is to check the general performance of CPU. The RAM Speed tests the writing and RAM’s speed of the computer. 3D Graphics test checks the shader based 3D scene and the GPU. The disk write speed tests the writing speed of primary or selected storage system.
  5. Helps in comparing scores- The application not only produces the detailed system report and score, but also helps in comparing the system’s score and results of system components with other systems.
  6. Informs about the upgrade decisions- NovaBench informs the system users if an upgrade of the system is needed.
  7. Detects blockages and hurdles of system performance- The benchmark system helps in detecting the blockages and hurdles of system’s performance and informs it to the users.
  8. Easy to upload and share in social networking sites- The users can create a profile using the scores and results of their system components and can share in the social networking sites. Users can also make an image using this report for their websites, forum signatures and blogs.

The benchmark application, NovaBench, is an easy to use tool to check and monitor the system’s performance and is very useful for the computer users to keep their system healthy.

Download : NovaBench


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